This month we were at the DHd 2023 as well as at the 19th symposium of the Mediävistenverband!
Luise Borek together with Philipp Hegel and Melanie Seltmann held a workshop on the topic “Mittelalterliche Quellen vernetzt denken. Das Netzwerk Offenes Mittelalter und die Infrastruktur Text+“, which offered an examination on the topic of networking through linked open data based on examples out of the network.
Topics for discussion included potentials and challenges for the usage of LOD and standard data, as well as the long-term backup and linking of data in the context of NFDI Text+.
On March 16th Luise Borek, Hannah Busch and Nora Ketschik represented our network in the poster session at the 9th conference of the “Association Digital Humanities in German Speaking Countries” on the motto “Open Humanities – Open Culture” with a poster about our network.
Additionaly, on March 14th our network members Sarah Lang and Luise Borek together with Nora Probst moderated the workshop “Data Feminism in DH: Hackathon und Netzwerktreffen” of the DHd 2023.