Dazzling Data: Digital Humanities in Medieval Studies and Early Modern Research

In the winter semester 2023/24, a DH-lecture series by the IZMF with the title “Dazzling Data: Digital Humanities in Medieval Studies and Early Modern Research” will be held in Salzburg. The lecture series is organized by two network members (Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer, Peter Färberböck) and one of the network’s guest experts (Isabella Nicka) and, therefore, focuses in its topic choice increasingly on Linked Open Data. It will be held on Mondays at 17:15 – 18:45 in the lecture hall Georg Eisler (E.003 U1.003) in the UNIPARK (Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg) beginning on the 02.10.2023. The lecture can also be attended online via Microsoft Teams. The link will be the same for each meeting. In addition, the lectures will be recorded and published on UniTV. The PDF that can be downloaded at the bottom of this post contains the program of the lecture series in German.

The study fields that are engaged in the research of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age showed an early interest in the application of Digital Humanities (DH)-methods. They have contributed significantly to the formation of the Digital Humanities as a branch of science and, nowadays, can build on a broad DH-expertise and a big and complex data treasure.

In the last years many new questions and working methods for sources and artifacts of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age arose in this field – therefore, it is time to present some of those in this lecture series: Students will learn how to apply DH-methods and what opportunities they offer from a disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective. In addition, the lecture introduces how DH-approaches can be applied to the analysis of different source types (pictures, literary and historical text sources, objects, historical maps, archaeological prospecting data, musical data).

The methods range from the application of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Distant Viewing, DNA-Sequencing and Network Analysis to Digital Editing and Annotating. Furthermore, working with digital 3D-models and GIS-based analysis as well as approaches from Game Studies and Citizen Sciences will be focused on.

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